Friday 6 February 2015

Sound Planning - Sofia

In order to create tension and suspense we need to compose dramatic music including string instruments. We will be using Garage Band which I am able to use because I have had experience with the software. The use of dramatic music will cause the audience to feel anxious and its a good representation of the thriller genre. In an opening sequence of a thriller film there needs to be non-diegetic music to grab the audiences attention and to entertain them immediately.

We will use the sound of the plate falling to the floor, screams and the door shutting because they are all diegetic sounds that do not need to be changed. However, if the sounds are not loud enough then we may have to edit them to make them louder and more effective. I think it would be a good idea to enhance some of the sounds to show the importance of what is happening in the scene. This will shock the audience and keep them focused on the opening.
There are many tutorials on YouTube on how to create music from Garageband. I will be looking over these during the weekend and make some notes which will help during post production. I may begin to create some music in the next few days so I can practice and create some really effective background music for our opening sequence.

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