Tuesday 3 February 2015

Pre-Production Planning - Zoe

 Hair and Make Up

In order to make our Domestic Violence theme realistic, it's essential to know how to do fake bruising to achieve the best possible effect. We are thinking of using Halloween makeup pallets and eye shadows to make the female victim look battered. The main colours we will use are blue, green, red, purple and yellow, as they are the most realistic colours of a bruise. Here's a clip to show how we might achieve this:


The female character will have a very bare face, with dark eyes and bruises. This will make her look damaged and hurt. It will also enhance the man's power and create a stereotypical woman victim. Her hair will look scruffy and neglected, which will establish how she doesn't take care of herself. We will ensure that her hair is up, so that the bruising around her neck and shoulders will be on display. 
The hair and make up of the male character, will remain hidden in order to generate enigma and mystery.

Continuity Editing

We will be using several aspects of continuity editing to capture the sequences most tense moments. Using an eye-line match will be used to demonstrate the unequal balance of power between the female antagonist and male protagonist; the female will be looking up at the male, and an over the shoulder shot from behind the male will be used to show how the female is looking up at him.
Match on action will be used when the male returns from work and opens the front door, and when the female drops the dinner on the floor. We will also incorporate the slow motion effect when the female character drops the dinner, in order to amplify how that event is the main trigger for the male character's rage. Doing this will emphasise these actions, and illustrate how they are the most tense moments throughout the sequence.


When Alice's ex psycho boyfriend Ross is released from prison, he tracks her down and convinces her he has changed. But he soon reveals his true colours again and returns to his old ways of abusing her. Alice is made to cook and clean all day, and she's hardly ever allowed out, but when she does leave the house, she has to pretend she's fine because of the fear of what Ross would do to her. Throughout the film, we accompany Alice on her journey to try and escape the evil grasp of Ross. At the end of the film, Alice escapes him, when she finally opens up to one of her friends and tells the truth about what's been happening to her, but to avoid going back to prison and realising he's lost Alice, he commits suicide.

What kind of stories and characters appeal to our target audience?

Our target audience are young women, aged from 17 - 24. This specific audience would be interested in films that have a women protagonist that encounters realistic problems that partly relate to them. Thriller's such as 'Crushed' consists of a female with an obsessive love for a guy, which turns into a psychotic type of love, this film would attract our target audience because of the love theme, and the young female antagonist.
Another Thriller that would attract our audience would be 'Swimfam' which is another film that has aspects of love in it. It also features a young female from high school, which is very realistic.
In addition to that, films such as 'Mean Girls' which is a chick flick/comedy, and 'The Devil wears Prada' which is a dramatic comedy, would also attract our target audience because both films are mostly dominated by young females, and they also feature aspects of love, drama and femininity.

1 comment:

  1. There is very good work here in terms of research and explanations of techniques. For the audience research, you need to find thriller films that you think would appeal. Where did you go to find out this information (I've not come across either of the thriller films you mention!). Did you go to Pearl and Dean? If not, try this and ask me if you need to know how to navigate the pages.
