Tuesday 3 February 2015

Pre-Production Planning - Jess

Body Language and Facial Expression

Female character: In our opening, the female character has been and does get abused by her husband. She will have a sad facial expression throughout most of the opening and won't smile as she is unhappy and scared. Her body at this point will be hunched over whilst she is cooking dinner, this will portray the idea that she is trying to protect or brace herself. She will also be very stiff as she will be in pain.
When her Husband begins to attack her, her facial expression will change. She will have wide eyes and a pale face. Her body language will be different, she will be standing up straight out of shock and then will run up stairs.

Clenched fist
 Male character: Our camerawork and tight framing is going to ensure that the males face is not visible throughout the entire opening, so his facial expressions will not be seen at this point. However, his body language will be important in portraying his type of character. He will always be standing up straight with broad shoulders to connote power and control, when the female drops his dinner his fists will clench up to portray anger.


Suit and tie
Dress shoes
We are dressing our male character in a smart suit, tie and dress shoes. We have chosen to dress him in this way to convey a sense of power and high status, the power and control that he has over the female character will be portrayed through his clothing.

Casual dress
Our female character will be dressed in a casual dress with bear feet as she will be inside. Because she will be in a dress, she will conform to gender stereotypes and then be placed by the audience in a domestic role. This will also portray her as a weak character as a result of gender stereotypes and will further emphasize the power and control of the male character.

Driveway in the evening

Lighting and Colour

When we are filming outside it will be the evening so we are going to keep the light natural as our opening is going to be set in the evening at dinner time.
Dark and gloomy kitchen
The inside of the house will be lit but we are going use lighting filters to make the house look dim and gloomy. This will portray the female characters sadness and will create an eerie atmosphere. Also, the house is dark and gloomy when the man enters which will portray him as an antagonist to the audience. The dark and gloomy lighting will be the same throughout the entire house where we are filming.

1 comment:

  1. Lighting explanations are good, but aim to use lighting terms where possible. Also, how will you control the light outside if you plan to use only natural light? Consider the issues this might raise.
