Monday 19 January 2015

Zoe's analysis of the opening from 'The Usual Suspects'

  • The close up of lit matches at the beginning of sequence, straight away signifies danger.
  • Tracking shot of the fire spreading, again suggests danger and generates anxiety.
  • Tilt up to the unknown character urinating on the balcony creates enigma and eagerness to know who they are. The use of restricted narration causes the enigma to be sustained throughout.
  • Tilt down from the balcony to follow the journey of the unknown character going down the stairs, with the camera sustaining a long shot, makes it seem like we are spying on him, which boosts the enigma and increases the suspense.
  • As the unknown character departs from the stairs, the camera begins to slightly zoom in to his feet walking, which suggests that he is about to do something bad to the other man, as the tension is increased. Shallow depth of field is also used to capture how important this unknown character is.
  • A low angle close up is used to establish how the other male antagonist is weaker than the unknown male protagonist as he is looking up at him, which increases the unknown man's power and creates intimidation. This shot is sustained throughout shot reverse shot in order to amplify the difference in power between the two characters.
  • The camera also captures the lighter being brought out of his pocket, and then being put back in the pocket, but the unknown character's face remains absent and we don't actually see the cigarette being lit, which suggests the focus is specifically on the iconography of the  lighter, to emphasise that it's an important prop as it produces fire.
  • The point of view shot of the other male antagonist at gun point creates tension and anxiety as it seems that the unknown character is pointing the gun at the audience; it's as if we are put into the victim's body. It's a very threatening shot due to the iconography of the gun.
  • This shot also allows the audience to see that the unknown male protagonist is wearing a black jacket, which is a stereotypical costume for the villain to wear, as it's considered to be menacing and mysterious.
  • The cutaway that's made as the shooting commences allows the audience to observe the setting, which seems to be quite isolated and empty. The cutaway could also be used to emphasise how loud the diegetic sound of the gun shot is, as it seems to echo around the lonely setting.
  • Slow motion effect is used to capture the close up of the cigarette being dropped; showing the importance of the cigarette as it kick starts the fire, causing everything to blow up. It creates suspense and shock.
  • The close up allows the audience to notice that the unknown character is wearing black leather gloves; suggesting sophistication and power.
  • Another tracking shot is used to follow the spread of the fire, which creates the build up to the explosion.
  • A low angle shot is used to magnify the hugeness of the explosion. At this point, the non-diegetic music becomes higher in pitch to highlight the climax of the sequence. Whereas throughout the rest of the sequence, the non-diegetic music remained mostly menacing and sinister without too much change.
  • The sequence finishes with the diegetic sound of police sirens, which connotes justice and resolution, just before the screen dissolves into another scene - suggesting a flashback.
  • The lighting remains as low key throughout in order to establish the Thriller genre, by making the setting gloomy and dull.
  • The chronology isn't in the right order, but the effect of opening with a killing scene grabs the audiences attention as we are intrigued by what we see! Straight away tension is created. 

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