Monday 8 December 2014

The 180 Degree Rule

When you film a scene using separate shots, it’s important that people understand where everything in the scene is. The 180 degree line (or line of vision) allows you to only film from one side of the action, this is so the characters stay in the same position on the screen when they are having a conversation. The diagram on the right shows three cameras on the one side of the 180 degree line, this means the cameras will be able to film the conversation but keep the characters in the right position on screen. If one of the cameras were to cross the line of vision, the sequence would not work.

 This is what the two shots would look like if you were to cross the 180 degree line, the two characters would be in the same on-screen position which would confuse the audience as it looks as if the two characters are the same person.

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