Monday 15 December 2014


During Fridays' lesson we successfully filmed all the shots and more for the task. Firstly, we looked at different locations that we could film in. There were not many classrooms free so we had to resort to filming on the second floor. We chose a classroom that had a desk for Zoe's character and a corridor where we could film a long shot of my character holding the knife. Jess (the camera operator) filmed a few shots including long shots, medium shots, close ups and match on action. Then we filmed in the classroom where Jess had to make sure that she kept to the 180 degree rule. Jess filmed a variety of shots during the dialogue including shot/reverse shot.
We successfully filmed everything during that one lesson. The next step is to edit our shots together to ensure that we create tension throughout the scene. Also, during editing I believe that we should include some instrumental music to build up to the dialogue. When using non - diegetic sound it helps to ensure the audience know each characters personality.

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