Tuesday 9 December 2014

Post 5 - Allocating Tasks To Group Members

Camera Operator/ Director of filming    - Jess
Jess is the camera operator because she has a lot of experience including filming in her GCSE Media project where she achieved a high grade. Due to the group only have three members, Jess will be the only film operator because Zoe and I will be acting in the scene. I am also going to be helping Jess creating the storyboard because I have a few ideas.

Storyboard Artists - Jess/ Sofia
The storyboard is being created by Jess because she has a very creative mind and feels confident in completing this task to the best of her ability.

Location Scout's - Zoe
Zoe has some great ideas for the location of the scene. She is also very organised and aware of risks of each surrounding area.

Prop Manager - Zoe
Zoe has a variety of props at home that we can use in the scene to make it more realistic. However, we all have props at home so we can have a choice of what to use.

Casting Director - Sofia
I have chosen to be Casting Director because I believe that I am organised and I am a good team  leader. I will be making sure that everyone is doing their job and we are working to a clear schedule to make sure we get everything done.

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